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Overcoming Burnout in the Workplace

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There are foolproof methods for reducing chronic stress and overcoming burnout in the workplace with very little effort or time investments.
We all know what burnout is, right? The symptoms are lack of energy, digestion problems, irritability, lack of interest, feelings of helplessness and more.
There is a lot of things that contribute to burnout in the workplace, such as employee relationships, lack of positive reinforcement and stress. Chronic stress is one of the largest factors, and it's the result of the other factors. An employee may not even notice chronic stress until burnout actually occurs. This can hurt the entire organization in both measurable and immeasurable ways.
According to the National Institute on Stress, workplace stress costs USA businesses more than $300 Billion per year. That's thousands of dollars per employee per year. Google and other companies have adopted meditation programs to alleviate stress and burnout in the workplace for this reason.
Stress reduction programs can reduce one of the biggest causes of workplace burnout - stress. They can also help to alleviate the other causes of burnout which contribute to stress.
Keep in mind that a complete program for workplace stress and burnout involves more than just stress programs. For example, you may wish to appoint a particularly perceptive person as a "vibewatcher". Nonprofit meetings often have vibewatchers who look at the dynamics going on between people during meetings and making suggestions. If done skillfully, you can do the same to prevent burnout in the workplace.
Let's talk about stress reduction programs. Stress reduction programs are great for both stress and burnout in the workplace.
There are many types of workplace stress reduction programs that are effective for overcoming burnout. In motivational type programs, speakers come in to speak about not sweating the small stuff, time management, maybe two relaxation techniques, not taking on too much work, pampering yourself, delegating tasks, etc.
This is all great information that is important for everyone to know. It is not a complete workplace burnout solution, however.
Each individual is unique and has a unique portal for calming the mind. Therefore, there is a unique strategy for each individual that can easily be developed with the right training.
Can you think of 3-4 activities which bring calm to the mind, perhaps feeling to the body, a centered energized calm? If you're Christian, that can be Bible verses or a favorite song from church. If you're more secular minded, it can be yoga stretches, breathing exercises, self massage, aromatherapy baths and more. Everyone has their unique methods that they can use to develop personalized stress reduction strategies and overcome burnout.
In his workplace stress reduction and meditation seminars, books and audio courses, Tom Von Deck assists employees in the development of their optimum stress reduction strategies that can be implemented into any time schedule.
A calm, healthy and energized employee is a productive employee. The symptoms of stress and burnout in the workplace will melt away as the employees develops the proper tools for peace, clarity, intuition, healthy leadership and creativity. Overcoming burnout is easy when everyone has that unique "toolbox".
Employees will learn:
How to develop a powerful momentum of peace so that deep relaxation, and therefore productivity, becomes a much easier process
How to work your optimum stress reduction strategy into any time schedule
How to overcome issues of self discipline in your stress reduction practice so that meditation and deep relaxation becomes easy
How to use activities you love doing anyway for stress relief
Three or so secular meditation techniques plus ideas on how to customize your practice to fit your unique lifestyle, religion and temperament
Warm up exercises that make meditation easier and how to customize your warm up routine
How to improve burnout contributing dynamics in the workplace by incorporating the principles of meditation into interpersonal relationships
All programs are worldwide and in Arizona. Arizona businesses receive special discounts.
"I am emailing you to recommend Tom as a speaker... I was impressed by his knowledge and presentation..."
- Bernie Siegel MD, multiple bestselling health author
I recommend that everyone check out Tom's web site and his program for improvement. One of the best I have seen." - Michael Jon Kell, MD PhD 
"I've heard good things about Tom because I did a little bit of an investigation earlier in the day. He comes HIGHLY RECOMMENDED." - America Tonight host Kate Delaney (emphasis hers)
Stress and burnout in the workplace CAN be overcome with proven methods. For more information on Tom's programs, visit
Tom Von Deck
Monkey Wisdom Workplace Burnout Prevention and Stress Programs
(928) 273-4365
monkeyjediflame (at) gmail (dot) com
P.O. Box 2663
Prescott, AZ 86302 USA