For busy people seeking an easier way to meditate…
Your Mission: Cut Through the Internet Clutter & Determine YOUR "Best" Meditation Technique - & Also Learn Rarely Taught Secrets for Making Meditation Far Easier - Within the Next 6 Days
(Free Training)
♥ Find the best practice for YOU, a unique individual
♥ Fit meditation into a busy schedule while reaping all its benefits
♥ If you already have your “best” technique, learn what to do before, after & between sessions to go much deeper into meditation
♥ Use little-known secrets that make meditation far easier to do
“I have never before encountered the clarity that you have introduced me to…”
“I have been on my journey for many years but I have never before encountered the clarity that you have introduced me to. There were many aha moments. I studied Reiki, Theta healing, meditation and NLP. At no time could I capture the ability to almost instantaneously go to a very deep level of mind. My life is more peaceful, more compassionate. Just lots of good things going on for me since I found your work online. Thank you.”
Ellen, Warrensville Heights, Ohio
“Without your videos, I would not have started meditating. To be quite honest, I doubt I would still be here.”
“Dear Mr. Von Deck,
First of all, thank you.
After 6 years in the military and 3 missions overseas, I had a lot of experiences I was “forced” to undergo.
Doctors gave me pills and medication.
They made me forget the nightmares,
but also all the dreams…
But no matter how painful something can be,
a man/woman may never forget.
You must learn / accept / forgive /…
Your videos already helped more then any drug ever did.
I have a long way 2 go, but you opened a gate for me that may lead me to forgiveness.
In my darkest day, a video of yours popped up as recommended.
Even though we never spoke – nor do you know my nightmares –
that night you stopped me from doing a stupid thing,
simply by introducing me to a ‘new’ way of healing.
I thank you for my life.
Without your videos, I would not have started meditating.
To be quite honest, I doubt I would still be here.
May you have a beautiful life and health.”
Email from a War Veteran
My name is Tom Von Deck. I specialize in making meditation a much easier process for busy people just like you.
Whether you’re just beginning or you’re an advanced student of meditation, The Deeper Meditation Formula provides an easier way for you to meditate.

What Others Are Saying About The Deeper Meditation Formula
“Tom has captured the essence of true practice in a way that renders it accessible to nearly all practitioners.”
“Tom has captured the essence of true practice in a way that renders it accessible to nearly all practitioners. I am overjoyed to find someone who mirrors my own philosophies and practice so well. Tom is right on when he recommends pulling the jewels that work out of whatever tradition they’re in to create the meditation practice that really works for you. I really enjoyed his irreverent, easy to read writing that misses none of the essential spiritual truths.”
Richard Crown, Author of How to Meditate & Heal with Love
I am also very happy to offer remote one-on-one sessions, local one-on-one sessions in Prescott, AZ, corporate trainings, speaking engagements, Theta Healing sessions and Reiki training (local and Skype). Let me know how I can help.
Tom Von Deck, P.O. Box 2663, Prescott, AZ 86302 USA
(928) 273-4365 monkeyjediflame (at gmail) dot com or tom (at) deepermeditation dot net.